717位(前回 713位)
シミュレーション 評価数 : 26,800
価格 : 無料
サイズ :-
情報取得日 : 2024/11/25
開発者 : NIAsoft
動作条件 : デバイスにより異なります
ダウンロード数 : 500,000以上
バージョン : 1.7.3
ストア更新日 : 2014/5/26
- 星4評価:めっちゃ楽しい😊けど、新しい種類か、全部のやつを無料にしてくださいあとは、全部楽しいです
- 星5評価:頭を使うから良い。 何度しても楽しい。
- 星5評価:もっと種類をふやしてほしい。
Throughout history, humans have always been eager to explore the world they inhabit. Human efforts resulted in significant progress, from the simplest of tools to high-tech industrial plants and flying machines. If you think about it, however, some time ago there was nothing but the basic elements of nature: fire, water, earth, and air. These very things form the basis of all diversity. It sounds incredible, doesn't it? Can you throw a bunch of dirt into air and get a hot air balloon? Of course not. And yet, these elements of nature are at the heart of nearly all objects, from an hourglass to a complex engineering facility. As a player, we offer you a different kind of game, a puzzle in that allows you to explore and build your own surroundings. You will uncover many secrets that concern the true nature of all things. Alchemy Classic gives players a unique chance to become a real explorer and creator!
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Enjoy with Alchemy Classic!